

Legal information

contact details

ZAE Des Avants
34270 Saint Mathieu-de-Tréviers
04 67 55 34 58

service provider

Site designed and produced by:
Moondog Communication. 16 rue des Etuves - 34000 Montpellier.
04 67 83 33 19 moondogcom.fr

photo credits

© Daniel Mielniczek Photography © Jean-Marc Deboin / © Guy Brehinier (fruits slideshow) / © Claire Lanaud/Cirad (Pineapples)

intellectual property

– All the framework constituent elements of the sites (including photos, images, logos, etc.) are protected by copyright, and are the exclusive property of the site.
– The site content (texts, articles, etc.) is the exclusive property of their authors, and may not be reproduced or used without their consent. The texts herein originating from external sources have been reproduced with the implicit or explicit consent of their respective authors. As such, the site mentions the respective sources and authors.

personal data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, personal data are intended for the site operator, and are allocated for the exclusive use of VITROPIC, which is responsible for the processing thereof, under its operations.
In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act, users have the right to access, rectify and delete personal data about themselves. These rights may be exercised simply by sending an e-mail to the address above.

right of response on the site

In accordance with article 6 IV of Act no.2004-575, any natural person or legal entity named or designated on the site has a right of response, to request corrections or deletions of messages, by contacting the company’s head office. Any request to exercise the right of response, addressed to the publication Director, must be presented at the latest within 3 months of publication of the message supporting this request.

terms of exercising your right to access

Before we can send you any personal data, we would ask you to provide proof of your identity. If you are unable to prove your identity, we reserve the right to refuse to send you your personal data. We make every effort to respond to these requests within a reasonable time-frame. Regarding rights to rectify and delete information: the prior conditions are the same as those relating to right of access.


To make any information request, or to exercise your right of access, please send us a message to the following address: vitropic@vitropic.fr