


rita® bioreactor

The fruit of CIRAD research work, RITA is a temporary immersion reactor for plant tissue culture, a technique which is able to improve the yield compared to semi-solid medium culture.

It has been distributed for the past 30 years in research centres, universities and private companies worldwide.

The RITA system has proven to be a success for micro-cutting coffee, rubber and banana plants, and many other species.

RITA® is a registered trademark, and Vitropic is its sole distributor.

Why use a rita bioreactor?

the labor's cost


High decrease
of asphyxia

Atmosphere renewal
at each immersion

Division of cultured tissue
during the bubbling

Control of
the morphological process
by modifying the frequency and time of immersion.

How does it work?

The bottom part contains a pressurised culture medium, which will be driven into the top part, which contains the plant material, at a tempo regulated by controlled immersion and pressure.

The temporary immersion makes it possible to develop plantlets from embryogenic cells in the same container, by changing the medium.

Germinated embryos are produced in 3 stages, over 2 months:

  • Regeneration of pro-embryos
  • Development of somatic embryos
  • Germination

All the phases are carried out in the same container, without any intervention on the plant material. The medium must be changed between each stage.


2 phases in the process

1/ DRY PHASE This phase is the longest. The explants are resting on a strainer (1). 2-3-4/ IMMERSED PHASE This phase is very short, from 1 min/day to 4 times 15 mins/day. It must be adjusted experimentally. A positive pressure of sterile air, applied to the bottom part, lifts the nutrient medium into the top part containing the plants (4). The sterile air mixes and aerates the medium. The atmosphere is thereby renewed. The air supply is then stopped. The pressures balance out, and the medium drops back into the bottom part by gravity. The explants retain a film of the medium by capillarity.


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